Presenting you with the “Maska” Marathi Movie directed by Priydarshan Jadhav, produced by Prashant Patil (Moreshwar Productions) and casting Shashank Shende, Prarthana Behere, Aniket Vishwasrao, Chinmay Mandlekar, Pranav Raorane and Vidyadhar Joshi. Which is all set to release in cinema hall on 01 June 2018 and Music has Composed by Chinar and Mahesh.
Movie : Maska (2018)
Starring : Aniket Vishwasrao, Prarthana Behere, Shashank Shende, Chinmay Mandlekar, Pranav Raorane and Vidyadhar Joshi
Directed By : Priyadarshan Jadhav
Produced By : Prashant Patil (Moreshwar Productions)
Music by : Chinar and Mahesh
Music On : Video Palace
Maska (2018) Movie all songs lyrics
1) Baya Song Lyrics – Maska (2018)